Astrology has its roots since the earth has come into existence and around hundreds or more books have been written about Mantra for Attractive Personality. Studies and degrees are now provided in astrology as people tend to find solutions that don’t have scientific meaning. We believe in God, a spiritual power that exists around us like positive energy then we must believe in the evil spirit or negative energy that tries to bring us down.
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Just like it is said, God is in us, in the same way, positivity resides in us, we just need to find it and embrace it. Such positivity adds the personality and a powerful aura that attracts the people. Everyone wants to attract people they have feelings for or they want to be the center of attraction with their personality. To build an attractive personality is possible; you don’t have to put too much pressure on building your body, use fairness cream or use home remedies to make your attractive by the looks.
With physical and mental maintenance or support, First impressions or aura you radiate always create an impact on the person and it does lead to what you want, or desire in the romantic life.
Physical characteristics will not always attract the person but definitely, the x-factor or magnetic personalities of the person he/she possess will make them different from the crowd. There are mantras for attractive personality or magnetic personality, which is far better than spending money on luxury salons, spas, and cosmetics. These kinds of products will get an artificial glow and after one bath you’ll realize this was just a waste of time and money.
- For magnetic personality or aura, take bath daily using rose water mixed in normal water. Mix the rose water in normal water the night before only.
- The second step for an attractive personality will include four ghee lamps, rose oil made lamps, wood, and red cloth. Keep four ghee lamps in a circle and in between keep rose oil made lamps over the wood covered with red cloth and face towards the north side.
- Once done placing things begin reciting the mantra with 21 rosary cycles every night. Chant the mantra 2 lakh times and then do the hawan using panchmewa, guggul, jasmine flower, rose flower, red sandalwood, and white sandalwood.
- After the successful accomplishment of hawan, recite the mantra daily with 11 rosary cycle and keep continuing till the time you start feeling yourself a glowing and attractive personality.
Mantra – || Aum Aiem Saundarya Siddhi Aeim Aum ||
Few more mantras to help you get an attractive personality. Chant these Vashikaran akarshan mantras for continuous 15 days and for 10,000 times every day using any kind of rosary. It is suggested to recite the mantras with dedication and pure heart. With the regular practice of mantras, it is said the person finds the results during the chanting and recital procedure.
|| Om Hrom Hreem Hraam Nama ||
|| Om Hum Om Hum Hreem ||
|| Om Hreem Hreem Hreem Hreem Im Namah ||
Practitioners can use this mantra too for 40 days that’ll include ten to thirty minutes daily mantra recital either in evening or morning.
|| Om Pah-d-mah Soon-dhar-ya Nahm-ah-hah ||
A note should always remember any practitioner who keeps the bad thought or thinks of misusing the mantras for selfish and negative purposes, they will find the probable consequences at the end of the day. Just like every Love Problem Solution Specialist comes with a price in the same way if any practitioner plans to use mantra for attractive personality in any kind of wrongdoing he/she will suffer.
Article Source:- https://www.loveexpertbaba.com/mantra-for-attractive-personality/
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